Tips Liburan Sehat


Online Shopping: Tips For Holidays Gift Shopping

It is holidays time, and you've the money and you want to go out and begin online shopping.

But before you do, here are some tips to manage your online shopping and expenses.

(1) Before going out get organized.

Make a list of all the people that you plan to buy a gift for, and what kind of gift you want to get for each.

(2) Set Limits on how to spend

For each name on your list, decide on how much to spend and the add all up to know the total amount you wish to spend, and stick to it.

(3) Shop early.

Don't wait until the last minute to start shopping. Many discount and holidays special are available early in the shopping seasons. Ship your gifts on time to avoid paying more at the last minute to get them on time to their destinations.

(4) Use credit card to pay for most of the gifts and the rest pay with cash.

(5) Make the gifts yourself and save money and still make an impact. Instead of spending money to buy a gift, why not spend time and make it yourself? Most people value personal gifts more. For example bake some cookies and use a decorative tin to package it.

(6) Give your time as a gift.

You may also give your time and ideas as gifts. You can get your friends together and volunteer to work at any nearby charitable organization, soup kitchen or free toy distribution program.

(7) You may save time and money by doing your shopping online.


By I-key Benney

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Tips Liburan Sehat